Advisory | Strategy | Engagement

We are more than a consulting company

We are a government affairs group based in Dar es Salaam and Dodoma, Tanzania. We are backed by a trusted reputation and a track record of success. For us, only results count.  We deliver the integrated strategies that your organisation needs to be successful. Our team features a team of seasoned government and business veterans who are ready to combine their ingenuity & Experience into Meaningful Results.


Provide political intelligence
about issues, including the way
they are likely to be dealt with


We analyse data and deliver
actionable information that
helps executives’ decisions.


A good owner’s rep saves their
client time, money and a lot of

Legislative &
Regulatory Affairs

Working with policymakers
to gain favourable policy
outcomes for interest group

Policy Research
& Analysis

We conduct public and bespoke/private research and write reports on issues of public importance


We utilize highly effective
Social and traditional media
Outreach to inspire desired action

We're here to help you navigate local politics and get in the right direction

Get in Touch

If you’ve got questions or ideas you would like to share, send a message. For anything more specific, please use one of the addresses listed below.

Kuru Advisory
Mikocheni, Dar es Salaam

Kuru Advisory
Mwangosi RD, Dodoma

+255 756-000-062

Our Email

Set a meeting

After we get some information from you, we’ll set up a time to discuss your issues in further detail.